

Scott Milner

tractor-https adds SSL security and PAM authentication to Pixar’s Tractor renderfarm manager.

tractor-https is deployed at Brigham Young University and has rendered two senior capstone films.

Out of the box, Pixar’s Tractor renderfarm manager sends all traffic as unencrypted TCP traffic (mostly HTTP). It requires the studio to implement any security features, including password authentication. tractor-https was created to facilitate attaching BYU Animation’s Tractor instance to the CS Department’s FreeIPA authentication system.

Since FreeIPA works through Linux sssd, we can create a custom PAM module for Tractor to authenticate with. This requires plaintext passwords to be delivered to the tractor-engine service so it can verify them against the PAM module. To secure this, tractor-https uses NGINX to wrap all HTTP trafic coming from tractor-engine in an SSL layer and transmits it on port 443 instead of 80.

tractor-engine does not have support for features such as the X-Forwarded-For header that simplify the SSL proxying process, so I use host mode networking to create a fully transparent SSL proxy.

In order to communicate with the Tractor Engine via HTTPS, the Tractor Python API needs to be patched to wrap messages in an SSL layer (patch is included in the repo).

The script regularly queries the host system for updates to the admin and wrangler groups, then updates the crews.config file and notifies the tractor-engine service of the change.